Video Advice

Video Projection Formulas
By Anthony D. Coppedge - Video Advice - June 25, 2024
I’m frequently asked to explain how much ‘horsepower’ (brightness) a projector needs to have in order to make the image on a screen look good. In a moment, I will give some formulas that are very necessary in determinin...
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Why Your Church Should Be Producing Videos
By EXW Staff - Video Advice - May 14, 2024
It never fails.... The final session of my seminar is on video production. Every time I start this session, half of my audience glazes over and looks at me in disbelief. "You want us to what? Make videos?". Yes! Yes! Yes...
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Scan Converter vs. Scaler
By Anthony D. Coppedge - Video Advice - April 29, 2024
There are two versions of this reply - Basic and Advanced. I offer both so that no matter where you are on the 'Techie-O-Meter', you can get direction on this often misunderstood subject: First, the comments and ques...
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By Anthony D. Coppedge - Video Advice - March 27, 2024
To fully appreciate the statement made in the title of this article, you'd have to know that I'm a "techie" at heart. I love, I mean tools. I only call them tools when I'm talking to the Pastor. Every other tim...
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The Christmas Scale
By EXW Staff - Video Advice - Jan 18, 2024
A great video for use on Christmas Eve or during the Christmas season. We will use this video on Christmas Eve to kick off our service. Powerful yet communicates the meaning of Christmas is a real and relevant way. A ...
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Utilizing Cameras
By Anthony D. Coppedge - Video Advice - Dec 07, 2023
The vast majority of churches in America are using slide projectors and overhead transparencies and haven’t made the jump to video projection. But that is changing...and rapidly. And in the ranks of those churches th...
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Elation LED Tri-PAR Product Review
By EXW Staff - Video Advice - Nov 22, 2023
Wow. Perhaps that is the best word that I can use to summarize my recent experience with this fixture. I was searching for an inexpensive LED lighting solution for a medium size church. I was actually looking at anot...
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Lamps (not bulbs)
By Anthony D. Coppedge - Video Advice - Nov 06, 2023
Lamp technology has gone through significant leaps in technology over the last several years, and the new technologies have created much longer lamp life, and a host of other caveats and pitfalls. I feel a mini-artic...
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Planning Weekend Experiences
By Anthony D. Coppedge - Video Advice - Oct 19, 2023
Does your Pastor use a Creative Team to help craft the weekend experience at your church? Does your team plan out sermon series, music, videos and events well in advance? Chances are, your Pastor is overloaded wit...
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Video Licensing
By EXW Staff - Video Advice - Sep 21, 2023
Frequently Asked Question: What license permits churches to use film clips and pre-printed information during worship and other events? How do you obtain the license? Churches are permitted to use film clips ...
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