A “Deep and Wide” Tech Ministry

By Van Metschke
Contributing Writer
December 15, 2022

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I came across a blog post recently by Charles Stone in which he summed up five questions that should be asked a your next staff meeting based on Andy Stanley’s book “Deep and Wide” .

This prompted me to think about what questions we should be asking about the structure and focus of our tech ministries. I came up with five questions based on Charles Stone’s post that might be good to ask.

1. As a church ministry are we moving the Kingdom priorities our church focuses on forward or do we simply exist?

2. Are we making a measurable difference in our church so it can focus on the local community or simply conducting services?

3. Are we organized around a mission or are we organized around an antiquated ministry model inherited from a previous generation?

4. Are we allocating resources as if Jesus is the hope of the world or are the squeaky wheels of church culture driving our budget decisions?

5. If we ceased to exist as a ministry community, would our church miss us other that what we operate for events at the church?

I’m sure there are many more questions that could be added to this list. Let me know what questions you ask to keep your tech ministry focused on what really matters.

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