What A Concept! It Was A Great Plan—Until It Wasn’t…

By EXW Staff
November 15, 2023

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We all face disappointment from time to time in many areas of our lives. Whether it's home related, relational or work, if you are human, you will face it in your lifetime. This article from Mike Sessler brings some great perspective on how to deal with it. If you are in ministry, you will be able to relate with his situation and hopefully gain some wisdom from his experience.

"I’m not going to lie, I was pretty upset when the project was scrubbed. And I think that’s a perfectly acceptable initial response. I had spent a good 100 hours on the design, thinking through everything I could think of, not only in the physical construction, but in how it would be wired and connected. I had invested significant, and I mean significant amounts of mental and emotional energy into the project. And when it was shut down, it hurt. But notice I said 'initial response'".

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