Expect The Unexpected

By Dave Marsh
June 24, 2011

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A drama about trusting God with the unexpected

Director's Notes:
Let's face it - life's rough. Jesus never promised a walk-in-the-park but, instead, He said that life was going to be full of trouble but He's here to help us through it. What a great thing to know! Life is always throwing the unexpected in our face and yet, to God, it's not unexpected at all.

It's good that He's in control, isn't it?!

BTW, I really dig these Twilight Zone-type dramas. Folks love 'em. You will need two different Twilight Zone audio files. Simply right click on each link and choose "Save Target As..."

Twilight Zone theme (with Rod Sterling) click HERE.
Twilight Zone theme (instrumental) click HERE.

Dave: A husband
Teri: Dave's wife

Big envelope
Twilight Zone theme with words.

The family room


(Dave and Teri and sitting at the table eating lunch. Dave is reading the paper while Teri is looking through the mail.)

Teri: You know what’s scary?

Dave: Godzilla?

Teri: What?

Dave: Godzilla. You know, destroying Tokyo and there are these guys running and pointing up and shouting “Aiieee! It’s Godzilla!”

Teri: (pauses) You’re such a geek.

Dave: And proud of it.

Teri: Anyway, you know what’s scary?

Dave: Besides Godzilla?

Teri: (glares at him)

Dave: Sorry. What? What’s scary?

Teri: The amount of completely useless mail we get.

Dave: That is scary.

Teri: I mean, it’s one lousy credit card application after another and… oh wait, here’s our tax info from our accountant. (She opens it)

Dave: Ah, cool. We should be getting a good chunk of change back.

Teri: (looks at it) Uh, Dave. We’re not getting a good chunk of change back.

Dave: Really? How much are we getting back?

Teri: Uh, we’re not getting anything back. We owe $2000.

Dave: (grabs the file and goes nuts) You’ve got to be kidding!?! $2000?!?! What happened? We can’t afford $2000! Where are we gonna get $2000?!?! I didn’t expect this at all! We were supposed to get money back! We’ve been ripped off! The government is trying to rip us off! (Teri is saying “Dave… Dave…” now trying to stop him) I can’t believe this!!!! I work my tail to the bone. I bet it’s that Howard Dean – Arrggghhh!…

Teri: DAVE! Stop it! (Dave freezes). We’ll figure it out and… Dave? Dave? Oh wow. This is soooo weird.

(Play Twilight Zone audio with Rod Sterling speaking. Teri walks around Dave, poking at him, quite incredulous.)

Teri: (waves hand in front of his face) I just said ‘stop’ and he did. Cool! What if I could get him to start over and not freak out so bad? It’s worth a shot. (collects herself and speaks to him) Start over.

Dave: (unfreezes) Ah, cool. We should be getting a good chunk of change back.

Teri: (looks around amazed) Uh, yeah. But, um, it looks like we’re not getting a good chunk of change back.

Dave: Really? How much are we getting back?

Teri: Uh, We owe $2000.

Dave: (grabs the file and starts crying) $2000? $2000!?! Oh no! What are we gonna do? We’re doomed! Doomed I tell you! We don’t have $2000! We’ve been cursed! We’ll have to sell a car to pay for this! We might have to sell the house! Our kids! How much are our kids worth? Oh, we’re doomed! Whaaaaaa!

Teri: DAVE! Stop it! (Dave freezes). Ack! Now THAT I didn’t expect! Okay, well, it’s gotta get better than that. (collects herself again.) Start over.

Dave: (unfreezes) Ah, cool. We should be getting a good chunk of change back.

Teri: Uh, Dave, we’re not getting a good chunk of change back.

Dave: Really? How much are we getting back?

Teri: We owe $2000.

Dave: (Looks up) Can I see that?

Teri: Uh, sure. (hands it to him)

Dave: (looks at it) Hmmmm. Well, this is unexpected. But, things like this happen. I mean, life IS unpredictable. I guess we’ll just have to pray about it and trust that God will provide for us.

Teri: What? Really?

Dave: (hands it back to her) Yep, God’s in control.

Teri: Wow. Okay great. I thought I was going to have to tell you to stop (Dave freezes) and then you would get all…. Dave? Oh no! I said “Stop!” What am I gonna do now? (cringes and closes eyes) Start over?

Dave: (unfreezes) Ah, cool. We should be getting a good chunk of change back.

Teri: Uh…. we’re not getting a good chunk of change back.

Dave: Really? How much are we getting back?

Teri: We owe $2000.

Dave: (Points at the envelope and Throws his newspapers into the air and runs off the stage screaming "AIEEEEE! $2000!!!!" and waving his arms around wildly…)

Teri: (watches him go and looks at the audience) Now THAT was scary.

(Play Twilight Zone instrumental track as lights go OUT FAST)


© 2004 Dave Marsh

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