Director's Notes:
I was recently asked by a good brother in Montana to write a drama that took a concept from the book of Haggai that our own lives and bodies are God's house and what are we doing to build it? After a couple of emails, we decided that I should take a drama that I had already written (If you build it...) and alter it to fit his needs.
This is a good example of things that you can do with the dramas on this site. Look for similar themes and change around the situation a bit to suit your needs. If you're having trouble doing that, that's okay. Fire me off an email and I'll see what I can do. :0)
Claire: Works at the church
Johnny: An architect
Nancy: Another architect
Some blueprints (or rolled up paper)
A couple of business cards
A portable phone
A door frame
A living room
(LIGHTS UP CENTER STAGE where Claire is talking on the phone.)
Claire: …and then I went into the family room to watch my soap. Yeah, right. Oh he left the show. Yeah, they replaced him with his evil twin. Right. So anyway, I hadn’t heard from Janine for about 15 minutes and that’s dangerous for a two year old. So I called for her and heard her in my bathroom. Yeah, tell me about it. I rushed up there but it was too late. Lipstick. Head to toe. Did I what? I couldn’t! I was laughing too hard. (knock on the door) Look, there’s someone at the door. I gotta go. Okay, bye. (Opens door)
Claire: Can I help you?
Johnny: No, the question is, can I help YOU? Johnny O, architect. (Hands her business card)
Claire: (reading card) "If you build it, they will come?"
Johnny: Nice slogan, eh?
Claire: Sure. Um, I’m not sure what I can do for y…
Johnny: Do you know a Jean Smith?
Claire: Well, yes, she’s in my small group.
Johnny: And did you not mention to the same Miss Smith that you were working on building God’s house?
Claire: Um. Well, yeah I did… but you don’t understand…
Johnny: I understand perfectly. That’s why I’m here. I’m the architect you need to build God’s house.
Claire: Wait a minute. I don’t need an architect…
Johnny: You don’t need an architect? Why, poor woman, of course you do. (Dumps all the blueprints on her).
Claire: What are these?
Johnny: Blueprints of course. Every church I build has to start out with blueprints. We’ll use these to lay the foundation for the church, the cornerstone, if you will. Heh heh. Christian humor.
Claire: Blueprints? But you don’t understand. I’m not building what you think I am.
Johnny: Hmm. Well, yes, that’s all very interesting but you see, these are blueprints. (starts talking to her like she’s a child) We need these to build the church. B-l-u-e-p-r-i-n-t-s.
Claire: I know what these are.
Johnny: Okay, well, let’s find out some other things. (pulls out his tape recorder). August ?, 2000. I’m at the home of a Mrs. Jones.
Claire: Johnson.
Johnny: Sure, whatever. (turns it off) Let’s start off simple. What kind of church is this going to be?
Claire: Look. You don’t seem to understand, it’s not a church I’m building!
Johnny: Ah, I see. You’re one of those fancy new contemporary churches. Okay, what do you call it? A worship center? A community cathedral? A multipurpose celebration tent? What?
Claire: No, it has nothing to do with what I call it.
Johnny: And what architectural style will it be? Victorian, post Modern, Art Deco, what?
Claire: It’s not any style! And it’s not a church! Would you listen to me please?!!!
Johnny: (starts recorder) Woman is extremely agitated by simple questions…(talks to her) Yes?
Claire: Look, I’m not building a church. I’m building God’s house.
Johnny: And the difference is?
Claire: I’m building up who I am. I’m turning my body and my life into God’s house. His spirit lives in me and I need to do the things that please Him and build my relationship with Him.
Johnny: Your body and life are God’s house, eh?
Claire: Exactly.
Johnny: (speaks into recorder) Woman is delusional. Recommend good councilor. (talks to her) Are you sure about that?
Claire: Oh yes, quite sure.
Johnny: I see, well, Mrs. Jones, I’m afraid that I must be going. I don’t think that you completely understand what it takes to build a God’s house. Goodbye (grabs blueprints and walks out)
Claire: (dumb founded ) Well, that was interesting. (Nancy (with blueprints) in hand passes Johnny on the way up) (Claire starts to close the door and sees Nancy walk up)
Claire: Can I help you?
Nancy: No, the question is, can I help YOU? Nancy B., architect. (hands her card)
Claire: (rolls eyes) Oh no, here we go again…
(c) 2000 Dave Marsh