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Worship in the Joy of the Lord: Selections from Chip Stam's Worship Quote of the Week is a curated collection of over 300 quotations on the deep meaning and purpose of Christian public worship designed to inspire, challenge, and equip worshipers and worship leaders to be transformed by the renewing gospel of Jesus Christ.
Chip Stam was a gift to the church. This anthology is a deep treasure chest full of Chip’s carefully assembled refl ections. It is an invaluable volume for anyone who treasures Christian worship.
Constance M. Cherry, Indiana Wesleyan University
This collection of worship quotes displays Chip’s unceasing desire to worship the Savior, proclaim the gospel that changed him, and encourage that passion in others.
Bob Kauflin, Sovereign Grace Music
From Aristotle to Wesley, and everybody in between and before and aft er, Chip Stam has done us the irreplaceable service of gathering worship quotes so that we can drink from the wisdom of the ages and ponder the saints’ insights. These extracts are gems that I will treasure and continue to apply to the Church and her worship. I love this book!
Marva J. Dawn, Christians Equipped for Ministry
Chip Stam was not only a source of much personal wisdom about worship that glorifies God, but he also had the gift of pointing us to other sources of wisdom. We miss him, but the gift lives on in his wonderful collection of gems about bringing more joy into our worshiping lives!
Richard J. Mouw, Fuller Theological Seminary
What a rich resource of God-centered, biblically sound and theologically profound reflections! Our brother Chip has provided us a feast of gleanings from a wonderful variety of different authors and sources. A fountain of devotional resources for every worshiper (and, with the index, an invaluable sourcebook for the desk of the pastor or worship leader), this collection bubbles with life and wisdom and love for Christ—as did Chip himself. Drink deeply from this well and be refreshed!
Ron Man, First Evangelical Church, Memphis, Tennessee
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