More Than Hands

By Terri Pettyjohn
Writer and Author, Contributing Writer, EXW
April 12, 2023

Read more from Terri Pettyjohn
Lamentations 3:40-42 “Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord. Let us lift up our hearts and our hands to God in heaven.........”

It’s a hard thing to get past, especially if you’ve been raised in a traditional, conservative church. You know what I’m talking about - raising your hands when you’re praising God. Is it because we’re still focusing on us and those around us, or has our praise truly left the building and ascended to the throne of God? Please don’t make the mistake of only lifting your hands to God, also remember to lift your heart. Our hands should just be an extension of our heart. What a cleansing we receive when we confess our sins and He washes us and gives us the privilege of standing before Him. I stand in awe of all that is holy and righteous and I give Him my praise because nothing else matters.

Terri Pettyjohn
Writer and Author, Contributing Writer, EXW
Read more from Terri Pettyjohn

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