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LED Lighting Tips
So you’re going to be using LED par cans, let me give you some helpful tips and notes. These are a few things that I’ve learned through trial and error. 1. Don’t light primary faces. LED provides a rather unnatural l....more
EXW Staff 2024-07-17 Worship Leaders
Planning Center Online
Planning Center Online is one of the best new resources we have found for helping organize your worship teams and ministry. From communicating the worship order to hosting songs and charts, this site has it all. S....more
EXW Staff 2024-07-10 General Worship
You and I can choose to continue with business as usual in the Christian life and in the church as a whole, enjoying success based on the standards defined by the culture around us. Or we can take an honest look at the J....more
EXW Staff 2024-07-08 Book Reviews
Did Jesus Really Have a Choice?
If you have seen the Passion of the Christ, undoubtedly you came away with an opinion. Your perceptions and questions may have been on its accuracy. It may have been on the graphic nature being over done, which i....more
EXW Staff 2024-06-26 General Worship
Cross Cultural Worship
Have you ever asked yourself the question, "What does worship sound like in other parts of the world?" We often tend to think that all worship sounds relatively the same. In the English speaking world it generally doe....more
EXW Staff 2024-06-24 General Worship
The Purpose of Man: Designed to Worship
The one great obsession of A.W. Tozer’s life was worship. Many have written about worship, but Tozer surpassed them all in simple passion and supreme purpose. Compiled from material never before published, this book pres....more
EXW Staff 2024-06-18 Book Reviews
Worship Through Dance
When I think of dancing, the first thing that comes to mind is two people on a dance floor in a club moving to music. For most of us, dance is something that is done between two people. We see it all around us. In mov....more
EXW Staff 2024-06-13 General Worship
Bow Down
Often it has been said that as human beings, "we are almost helplessly self-centered." This of course is due to what we call "original sin". The "fall" of man was at the point of his deciding to go it his own way inst....more
EXW Staff 2024-06-05 General Worship
New Life for Old Hymns
Here’s another idea you might pray about. There are literally hundreds of old hymns out there that have fallen out of use because their music and their language have become outdated. We don’t mean the famous hymns, the g....more
EXW Staff 2024-05-23 General Worship
Why Your Church Should Be Producing Videos
It never fails.... The final session of my seminar is on video production. Every time I start this session, half of my audience glazes over and looks at me in disbelief. "You want us to what? Make videos?". Yes! Yes! Yes....more
EXW Staff 2024-05-14 Video Advice
Does your pianist and/or keyboard player ever struggle with key changes? Do they find it hard to transition from one key to another without using the boring V7 of the new key? is a pretty cool site with....more
EXW Staff 2024-05-02 General Worship
Worship Online
One of our joys here at EXW is to pass on the great sites that we discover to help worship ministries and leaders. Well, we have a great resource that we are excited to share with you. Worship Online is an awesome to....more
EXW Staff 2024-03-28 General Worship
The Stones Cry Out
Introduction: The same question is being asked today as it was in Jesus' day, "Why do those worshipers make so much noise? Isn't worship supposed to be reverent? Quiet? Somber? Serious?" A. Some may remind u....more
EXW Staff 2024-03-26 General Worship
The Worship Leader is a Spiritual Leader
This article is for worship leaders. And as such, I believe it needs to focus on leadership skills. It is my intent to do this from a Biblical perspective. The only prerequisite for leadership is you must have somebod....more
EXW Staff 2024-03-11 Worship Leaders
Digital Juice
If you are into video at your church and need some professional backgrounds, check out the Jump Backs from Digital Juice. These Jump Backs will help make your videos look like the pro's. Their Jump Backs and other prod....more
EXW Staff 2024-02-08 Sound Advice
Video on Worship
If you are looking for a great video to use that shares the true meaning of worship, What Is Worship?, is a the perfect choice. It strips away all the preconceived notions of our thoughts on what it is. Great for a ser....more
EXW Staff 2024-01-31 General Worship
Christmas Music and Worship
A great article that may change your way of thinking as you pick songs for your worship services during the Christmas season. I totally agree and have struggled over the years with this very issue. How do I incorporate....more
EXW Staff 2024-01-25 General Worship
Just What Do We Do, Anyway!?!
I happened to be passing by the door to the church conference room some years ago just as our pastoral staff was finishing their weekly meeting. This was a particularly grueling week for me. As the audio support staff of....more
EXW Staff 2024-01-23 Sound Advice
The Christmas Scale
A great video for use on Christmas Eve or during the Christmas season. We will use this video on Christmas Eve to kick off our service. Powerful yet communicates the meaning of Christmas is a real and relevant way. A ....more
EXW Staff 2024-01-18 Video Advice
Breaking the Enemy of Silence
This article comes to us from Pastor Aritha Tomlinson. Although it is not a worship helps type article, we feel that it may be helpful to someone who is a worship leader who may be experiencing abuse. We know it is hap....more
EXW Staff 2024-01-16 Women in Worship
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Experiencing Worship, The Study
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