Digital Consoles: The Perfect Volunteer

By EXW Staff
August 10, 2022

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By Justin Gomez

In today’s church, the most sought after “staff member” has got to be a trained volunteer. Can you remember the number of times you’ve had to run back and forth from the booth to the stage to adjust house and monitor levels simply because you didn’t have a volunteer that could run sound? A few years ago, many prayers were answered with the advent of the very first digital console in a church! While digital consoles have been around since the mid 80’s, the developments that make them the perfect volunteer have only been introduced over the last few years. More reasonable pricing, diverse sizes and configurations, and many major onboard conveniences have made digital consoles a driving force in the church makeover for the next generation.

Click on the link below to read the rest of this great article from TFWM.

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