Power in Praise

By EXW Staff
June 24, 2010

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by Merlin R. Carothers

Merlin Carothers' first book, Prison to Praise, drew acclaim from Pat and Shirley Boone, Jamie Buckingham, Leonard LeSourd, Catherine Marshall, Norman Vincent Peale, John Sherrill and others. Thousands wrote and hundreds telephoned to tell him of transformed lives...of experiencing new power and victory. Now Power in Praise brings together some of the miracles wrought by the simple application of Biblical truth: all things work together for good. Power in Praise is a simple clear explaination of how and why the principles introduced in Prison to Praise work in every-day life.

One reviewer states:

Clear and easy to read. There is truly power in the words and truth in the concept. I started praising God in all things...even the hard times... and suddenly felt the joy in everything. It changed my life!

As I read through this timeless book on praise, I was reminded of how people with sickness, depression, and difficult life situations look to the world for answers. We spend billions on dollars on things to help us get better or relieve the pressures of life.

Merlin Carothers offers some simple Biblical priniciples to experience a life of joy and peace. Praise God in all things! That's it. When you are sick, praise Him for it. When you are out of work, praise Him for it. God has a purpose for everything that happens in our lives. How we respond will determine how He uses it for His good and our good.

To order this book, CLICK HERE.

For other titles by Merlin R. Carothers CLICK HERE.

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