The Kiss of Heaven

By EXW Staff
November 23, 2011

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By Darlene Zschech

Darlene Zschech describes The Kiss of Heaven as the sense of heaven touching earth, as if God himself kisses her on the head. Her first experience of this was when she held her long-awaited newborn daughter. She has felt His kiss as He has used her song “Shout to the Lord” to inspire worship around the world.

In The Kiss of Heaven, you’ll discover how you can experience God’s favor as you seek His blessing and pursue the dream He has planted in your heart. Darlene says, “God is watching for someone to kiss with His favor at this very moment. He watches—hoping to see our hands lifted up to love Him, serve Him, and receive His help so He can demonstrate His loving power through us to a love-starved planet.”

EXW - A home run from one of our favorite Worship Leaders, Songwriters and Authors.

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