The Worship Leader What is good worship leading? Lately I've found myself ruminating about this subject in the least likely places: time-out during one of my son's basketball games, standing in front of the frozen food section, waiting for....more
The Choir As Worship Leader Make no mistake about it: the most important musical group in the church is the congregation. Worship is for all of God’s people; the New Testament doctrine of the priesthood of all believers calls for the saints to l....more
Creative Elements to Worship It's so easy to get in a rut with our worship! The longer we stay in the rut, the more our people can simply go through the motions of the service without thinking, without truly worshiping. This article presents scor....more
Organized? If you are in a leadership position, you know that a leader dies and lives by his ability to organize and plan. No matter what you are leading - choir, worship team, or small group, being organized will help eliminate....more
LED Lighting Tips So you’re going to be using LED par cans, let me give you some helpful tips and notes. These are a few things that I’ve learned through trial and error.
1. Don’t light primary faces. LED provides a rather unnatural l....more
Teaching Your People To Worship If you have been in the ministry for a while you know that the arts department has a tendency to draw people of all colors and expressions. We are a bit different as people who are for the most part on the creative side....more
Narrowing the Worship Gap Definition: The worship gap is the distance between your expectations and what really happens.
When I prepare and practice a worship set, I do in the light of an expectation of how the congregation will respond. ....more
Worship for All God's People Music is a sublime creation of God which is especially suited as a vehicle for believers to express praise to their Creator. How it must then grieve Him (and delight the Enemy) when this special gift all too often become....more
Being a Worship Leader - 1 Forward
What does it mean to be a worship leader? Many articles on the subject address musical, spiritual and technical issues involved in worship. In preparation for classes and seminars that I have taught, I’v....more
Being a Worship Leader - 3 Introduction to Part 3
In the last sections, we discussed how leadership is confirmed and emerges in various character traits. We emphasized the giftedness of the leader will often reflect more than one gift whic....more
The Greatest of these... When I begin to evaluate my ministry tool belt, several things come to mind. As a worship leader of 20 years I have fair skills in music and in organization. My education has been a blessing to help prepare me for God's ....more
The Worship Leader is a Spiritual Leader This article is for worship leaders. And as such, I believe it needs to focus on leadership skills. It is my intent to do this from a Biblical perspective. The only prerequisite for leadership is you must have somebod....more
Worship Planning There seems to be a growing concern for the need of worship planning resources. Ministers of Music and Worship Leaders from across the globe are searching for new ways to plan and lead worship. We feel a deep need to ....more
The Building Blocks of Worship The seventh chapter of Luke paints one of the most beautiful pictures of worship and adoration found in the Scriptures. If we look closely we find some essential building blocks for a worshipping church.
Simon, the P....more
To Pay or Not to Pay? Over the past several weeks, the question of paying musicians and singers in a worship environment has been a hot topic. If you ask churches who are paying their musicians, they have valid reasons for doing so. If you as....more
No Throwaways Over the years I have been observing the different methods that ministers of music, worship leaders, and pastors use in making changes occur in their ministries and churches. Each person tends to go about things in t....more
10 Principles 1. Thou shalt not show up in dirty linen (unconfessed sin).
Heb. 10:22 Let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodie....more
Captain Kirk I am not a Trekkie, but I remember well the phrase that opened every episode in the old days, "To boldly go where no man has gone before.” If you've ever watched Star Trek, you know that it is a saying that is not e....more
Worship Leader Devotional “Going Deeper”: Finding Stillness A great article that focuses on an age old problem for Worship Leaders and really Christians in general. Love the insight by Cathy Little. It is a simple process that we cannot seem to make work with our busy lives and....more
Lofty Goals - God's? What's the hardest thing about being a worship leader? For some, it's the struggle to balance the performance aspect with the worship-leading aspect. For others, it's dealing with people who feel called but show no ....more
Experiencing Worship, The Study
Used by churches all over the world to help teach worship, the Experiencing Worship study can help your worship team too.
Your team will learn why we worship and gain a better understanding of how to worship.
One user said..."Your 5 week study course has made a tremendous impact on my life in the study of worship... I would like to express my thanks for a well written study course that leads into a higher realm of praise and worship."