About Us

ExperiencingWorship.com is a complete worship resource for the worshiper and worship leader. Founded by Stephen M. Newman, author of "Experiencing Worship - A Study of Biblical Worship," EXW provides training resources for all who desire a better understanding of true worship.

We have a large selection of articles written by our select group of Authors and EXW Contributors to suit just about everyone from worship leaders, pastors, and lay people. Our forums provide a place for people to discuss the various aspects of worship and our user opinions give our users a chance to voice their opinions about our articles.

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ExperiencingWorship.com is for everyone who desires a closer and more intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father who created us, and desires to have fellowship with us. May we all grow to be the worshipers that God would have us be. May our lives be full of praise and thanksgiving. To God be the glory forever and ever amen.

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What is worship?

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Company Information

Experiencing Worship
P.O. Box 3921
Shawnee, OK 74802

Transitional Pastor OH
Gold Star Listing Co-Pastor MD Non-Denominational
Gold Star Listing Front Office Manager CA Baptist - American
Gold Star Listing Admin Assistant- Finance CA Baptist - American
Gold Star Listing Associate Pastor WA Non-Denominational
Executive Assistant to Operations CA Baptist - American
Children's & Family Ministry Director WA

Experiencing Worship, The Study
Used by churches all over the world to help teach worship, the Experiencing Worship study can help your worship team too. Your team will learn why we worship and gain a better understanding of how to worship. One user said..."Your 5 week study course has made a tremendous impact on my life in the study of worship... I would like to express my thanks for a well written study course that leads into a higher realm of praise and worship."

Order the worship study today!