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A Foundation
As leaders of worship we must know what we believe biblically about worship and stand firm in our convictions that are based on “true” Biblical foundations. We should not walk in ignorance, but have a clear direction ....more
Debbi Shotlow 2022-06-28 Women in Worship
Hindrances to Worship
They are out there in every service, at every Bible study, on our worship teams and in our prayer and cell groups. They could be a friend of yours, or even a stranger. It could be you or me, your husband, boyfriend, y....more
Debbi Shotlow 2022-06-23 Women in Worship
II Corinthians 5:17(NIV) “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he (me, we, she, you), he (me, we, she, you) is a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come! As I move closer to the Lord, I am beginni....more
Debbi Shotlow 2022-06-02 Women in Worship
What To Wear?
For most of us, the legality of what is proper attire for a woman in ministry does not rack our brains whenever we are called upon to serve. For some of us, we are told what to wear and what not to wear. Should we we....more
Debbi Shotlow 2013-07-07 Women in Worship
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Experiencing Worship, The Study
Used by churches all over the world to help teach worship, the Experiencing Worship study can help your worship team too. Your team will learn why we worship and gain a better understanding of how to worship. One user said..."Your 5 week study course has made a tremendous impact on my life in the study of worship... I would like to express my thanks for a well written study course that leads into a higher realm of praise and worship."

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