First Things First

By Terri Pettyjohn
Writer and Author, Contributing Writer, EXW
April 09, 2024

Read more from Terri Pettyjohn
Psalm 5:3 “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.”

There is a time of the day that is precious to me, a time when the house is quiet and the day hasn’t yet been marred by the sound of disharmony. It has always been there, but I’m ashamed to say that for too long I didn’t appreciate it. It happened one day when I noticed that my Bible was dusty, that I really couldn’t remember the last time that I had sat and really read from its pages. From that moment I made a vow to myself that I would set aside the first part of my day to read this Book, that I wouldn’t allow little things deter me from reacquainting myself with the stories I had learned long ago in Sunday School. So I started from the beginning and found new amazement in the old stories of Joseph and Jonah. I eagerly anticipate my special time each morning and find myself thinking about what I’ve read later in the day. It’s hard to get to know someone without spending time learning about them, if you’re not careful they begin to be a stranger and you will find that you have dust on your Bible, too.

Terri Pettyjohn
Writer and Author, Contributing Writer, EXW
Read more from Terri Pettyjohn

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