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Gold Star Listing Pastor

Forest Preserve Bible Church
Chicago, IL
Posted: February 02, 2025
Job Information:
The Pastor is responsible for providing vision, leadership, and overall direction in order to carry out the critical functions of evangelism, discipleship, ministry, fellowship and worship consistent with the mission of Forest Preserve Bible Church Mission.

QUALIFICATIONS (Biblical requirements consistent with 1 Tim 3:1-7, Titus 1:7-8)
He must have a clear testimony of faith in Jesus Christ, call to the ministry, and meet the scriptural qualifications for Elder/teacher as outlined in 1 Tim. 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, 1 Peter 5:1-4
He must have a solid educational foundation in theology and religious studies, with a commitment to continual professional development.
He must be an effective steward and teacher of God's Word and the foundational truths of the Christian faith.
He must be in full agreement with the Forest Preserve Bible Church doctrinal statement.
He must be a man of established Christian character, being sound in faith and doctrine.
He must be a man of prayer, disciple maker and have a passion for encouraging spiritual growth and maturity among church members.
He must be an effective communicator and have a proven ability to teach and preach the whole counsel of the Word of God, both from the pulpit and in a more personal setting.
He must have a demonstrated ability to foster church growth.
He will promote church unity by managing conflicts and seeking to reconcile relationships within the church body. He is also responsible for exercising church discipline, when required.
He should have supporting skills in Congregational Care and Counseling, including grief and crisis support.

Maintain a growing, healthy spiritual life along with healthy personal relationships with others
Communicate and nurture the vision and values of the church.
Ability to manage the total life and operation of the church.
Lead or delegate the leadership of the worship services, including planning, coordination, and evaluation in collaboration with the FPBC leadership team.
Lead and organize, in collaboration with the leadership team, efforts for local and global missions, evangelistic outreach and community service and engagement.
Provide supervision to church staff.
Cooperate with church leadership in supporting and promoting the ministry plan and entire budget of FPBC.
Be available for pastoral duties including, but not limited to, teaching, preaching, weddings, funerals, counseling, and hospital visits as needed.
Lead in the administration of the ordinances
Adhere to all guidelines as set forth in the FPBC Constitution, church's bylaws and policies.
With cooperation of church staff, implement the decisions and policies of the established leadership team in leading and supervising the ministries of the church.

Married (not unequally yoked)
Committed to no less than 5 years of ministry at FPBC
Competent teacher/preacher committed to the Bible
Conscious Leader/Collaborative Thinker / Problem-Solver for consistency
Visionary and strategic thinker
Sense of call (Self-awareness)
Prayerful person in a growing relationship with God
Pastoral heart
Equipper of people (leadership development)
Cultural awareness
Doctrinal beliefs consistent with FPBC
Vision in line with FPBC
Adaptable when required/consensus builder
Heart for the community and relates warmly to people both inside and outside the church
Experience in and committed to urban ministry
Formal ministry studies/education preparation
Passionate speaker

Not scripturally divorced
Not in good standing with previous church or ministry
Unbiblical view with respect to societal views (i.e. LGBT, Pro-Choice, etc.)
Does not give consent to a criminal background check

Bi-lingual preferred (Spanish or Polish)
Experience managing staff and/or lay leadership teams preferred 

Position Information:
Position Title:Pastor
Time: Full Time
Category: Senior Pastor
Denomination: Non-Denominational
Worship Style: Blended
Church Size: less than 100
Contact Information:
Organization Name:Forest Preserve Bible Church
Address1:7430 W. Forest Preserve Ave
City: Chicago
State or Province:IL
ZIP Code:60634
Country: USA
Map this Organization: Map
Contact Email:Contact this Organization
 Pastorless Churches

Pastor job in  Chicago, IL

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