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Calvary Bible Church
Posted: January 13, 2025
Job Information:
Calvary Bible Church in Cortland, OH is seeking a Youth Pastor who will lead and oversee the teen and children's ministry of our church. If his talent and gifting allows, he is welcome and encouraged to be a part of our worship team as well. We are seeking a man trained in the area of biblical theology and practice. The youth pastor must meet the biblical qualifications laid out for an elder in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.

The following are the qualifications that are to be considered only after the biblical qualifications have been met:
Must have a love for Christ's church and seeks to build her up in every way in his ministry (Ephesians 4:11-16; 5:26-27).
Should be a member of a local church and attend regularly
Must have a commitment to biblically sound theology and is in line with the practices of Calvary Bible Church and seeks to incorporate it into the youth and children meetings.
Must be a team player, cooperating with the staff and desiring to serve the whole church.
Should be able to relate to children and teens, understand the challenges facing the younger generations today, and be able to disciple them by leading them to obedience according to the Bible's standards.
Be willing and ready to preach when Senior Pastor is absent or calls upon the Youth Pastor.
Be responsible for scheduling and overseeing weekly youth gatherings on Wednesday evenings.
Selecting or developing biblically sound curriculum for teen and children ministry.
Planning events and trips that are appropriate for developing teens spiritually.
Providing care for students, their families and volunteers.

The youth pastor will be an active member of staff meetings and will be expected to attend and contribute to the monthly elder's meetings. The Youth Pastor will need to work with the elders as he disciples the teens of the church. He will have pastoral responsibilities outside of youth ministry, including but not limited to: preaching/teaching, overseeing ministries, visitation, conflict resolution, and vision development for the future.

The Youth Pastor position is a full-time, salaried position. Salary: $40,000 depending on experience, training, and education. This is negotiable.

The elders of CBC are looking for a man who has or is actively pursuing a bachelors degree in Biblical studies.

All resumes should be sent to pastor@mycalvarybiblechurch.org.

Position Information:
Position Title:Youth/Associate
Time: Full Time
Category: Youth Pastor & Youth Ministry
Salary: 40,000 - 50,000
Denomination: Non-Denominational
Worship Style: Blended
Church Size: 100 - 250
Contact Information:
Organization Name:Calvary Bible Church
Address1:4747 Warren Road NE
State or Province:OH
ZIP Code:44410
Country: USA
Map this Organization: Map
Contact Email:Contact this Organization
 Pastorless Churches

Youth/Associate job in CORTLAND, OH

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