The Ascension

By EXW Staff
December 02, 2013

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Phil Wickham

Phil Wickham returns with a new album The Ascension, focused on the forward movement we are all called to make in our personal walk of faith. Wickham's compelling vocals and spiritual sensibilities have a way of taking deeper concepts and making them instantly accessible. Producer Pete Kipley returns, too, building on his long history of collaborating with Phil. Together they have created an album that features Wickham's soaring vocal range, skilled guitar licks, and unexpected yet sing-able melodies. Wickham creates beautiful word pictures, in this case drawing on the image of each of us ascending the mountain of God. Of course, it's not an easy climb. There are obstacles along the way and worldly distractions abound, clamoring for our attention. But if we persevere, we can find the life we were meant to have, a life in His presence that inspires a longing for Heaven.

Track Listings
1. The Ascension
2. Holy Light
3. This Is Amazing Grace
4. Carry My Soul
5. When My Heart Is Torn
6. Over All
7. Mercy
8. Glory
9. Wonderful
10. Tears of Joy
11. Thirst

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