Worship Evangelism

By EXW Staff
November 29, 2004

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by Sally Morgenthaler

Sally Morgenthaler's "Worship Evangelism" could be considered the Worship Leader's Handbook. It is filled with so much information on worship that it is a must for every Worship Leader and Music Minister's library. Don't let the title fool you. This book is more than using worship as a tool for evangelism. It is one of the best books I have ever read on the topic of worship and worship in the church. If you want to be stretched in your thinking...and get out of the stale repetition of what you are doing, this book has great suggestions and helps on being creative in worship. It hosts way of using the old and new to enhance your worship
experiences. Sally Morgenthaler has hit a home run with this wonderful book on worship. Get
it today. You won't put it down.

Get Worship Evangelism Today!

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