Five Things That Cause Worship Leader Burnout, and One Remedy

By EXW Staff
November 14, 2024

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A great article on why many worship leaders experience burnout. If you have been in ministry long, you will see the clear reasons to this serious problem that we all face.

"In seminary, I often heard and read the statistic thrown around that a high percentage of pastors burn out and leave vocational ministry within the first seven years. I haven’t done any polling or data research, but based on my own observation and relationships (along with my own moments of wanting to throw in the towell), my guess is that a study of worship leaders would yield both a higher percentage and a shorter amount of time. If preaching/teaching pastors are like butane lighters, who eventually run out of fuel in their reservoir, then worship leaders are like old fashioned stick matches—they burn out almost as soon as you light them. I’ve observed many reasons for worship leader burnout, but here are five"..


1. Inability to properly deal with criticism.
2. The performance treadmill.
3. Worship messiah complex.
4. Comparison with other worship leaders.
5. Poor relationship with your supervisor and/or lead pastor.


To read more, click on the link below.

Related Links:

Five Things That Cause Worship Leader Burnout, and One Remedy

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