The Biblical Way

By Terri Pettyjohn
Writer and Author, Contributing Writer, EXW
May 02, 2012

Read more from Terri Pettyjohn
Psalm 28:2 “Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place.”

When you think of worship, what do you think of? Is it the singing, the preaching, Communion, or perhaps even the prayers? The Bible uses several different expressions of worship; some of which include singing, prayers, being still before the Lord, lifting our hearts and our hands, offerings, reading of the scripture, preaching and teaching. Most churches have done the “basic Bible food groups” for years: the singing, the praying, the preaching and the giving. Depending on your church Communion is also a part, but that hand raising, now that’s a different story. We tend to just skim over those verses, but the raising of the hands was a very integral part of Old Testament worship. It’s not a “charismatic thing” anymore, it’s a worshipful physical expression. Enlarge your worship repertoire, seek out for yourself ways of biblical worship.

Terri Pettyjohn
Writer and Author, Contributing Writer, EXW
Read more from Terri Pettyjohn

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