A Sweet Sacrifice

By Terri Pettyjohn
Writer and Author, Contributing Writer, EXW
October 05, 2011

Read more from Terri Pettyjohn
Psalm 71:20, 23 “Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again, from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you - I, whom you have redeemed.”

Praise doesn’t have to be our response just to the wonderful things that are happening in our life. The next time something happens that has you feeling like you’ve had the breath knocked out of you, try offering praises to God for being in control. God doesn’t need us to “feel” like He’s in control, for Him to be. I think sometimes it must humor Him a great deal to see how much we fret about the things that He would so willingly carry for us. He didn’t need our intellectual input when He created the world, or when He made the first man, and wonder of wonders, He doesn’t need our praise for all He is, but He desires it more than anything else that we could offer Him It becomes a sweet sacrifice that if offered, and it is acceptable to Him.

Terri Pettyjohn
Writer and Author, Contributing Writer, EXW
Read more from Terri Pettyjohn

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